2020–21 teacher supply report shows decrease in issued credentials
Candidate demographics are beginning to better reflect students
digital graphic of human figures standing in a group with a large decreasing graph in the background

At its April 19–21 meeting, the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing approved sending the annual report on the number of teachers who received credentials, certificates, permits and waivers to teach in California public schools to Gov. Gavin Newsom and the Legislature. Teacher Supply in California, 2021–22: A Report to the Legislature showed a decrease in new teaching credentials issued compared to the previous few years, most likely due to the expiration of flexibilities adopted in 2019–20 and 2020–21 to account for difficulties candidates were facing during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic.

California offers a variety of preparation pathways to provide flexibility for teacher candidates. The traditional pathway typically comprises up to two years of post-baccalaureate preparation courses, including field experience and student teaching, or an eight to nine semester integrated undergraduate program, in which candidates earn both a bachelor’s degree and a teaching credential. Alternative pathways such as intern delivery models allow subject matter-competent candidates to complete preservice preparation and begin service as the teacher of record in a paid position while completing the additional preparation coursework and field experience.

After a steady increase over last seven years, 2021–22 saw a 26.7 percent decrease in credentials, from 16,820 to 12,885 (excluding teachers credentialed out of state). Institute of Higher Education (IHE)-prepared multiple subject credential holders dropped by 33.1 percent compared to 2020–21; single subject dropped by 15 percent and education specialist credentials fell by 20 percent. IHEs prepared 56 percent of candidates in the traditional pathway and 17 percent in the intern pathway.

District- and county-prepared teacher credentials, which accounts for 5 percent of the total for 2021–22, dropped by 8 percent in multiple subject and 27 percent in single subject; however, education specialist credentials increased by more than 6 percent.

Twenty-two percent of new credentialed teachers were in programs outside of California.

Of all candidates for in the 2021–22 report, 73 percent were female, 7 percent were Asian American, 4 percent were African American, 34 percent were Latino, 37 percent were white and 5 percent were two or more races.

After a steady increase over last seven years, 2021–22 saw a 26.7 percent decrease in credentials.

Career and technical education
The Preliminary CTE teaching credential requires candidates to have at least 3,000 hours of industry experience or a combination of industry and teaching experience. The credential authorizes the holder to teach in the subject or subjects named on the credential in grades 12 and below and in classes organized primarily for adults in career technical education, trade or vocational courses. The Clear CTE teaching credential retains the same authorization but also includes an authorization to provide Specially Designed Academic Instruction in English (SDAIE) for students identified as English learners within career technical education, trade or vocational courses.

CTE credentials grew in 2021–22 by 42 percent, from 1,241 in 2020–21 to 1,761.

The top four categories are Arts, Media, and Entertainment at 25 percent of enrolled candidates, and 11 percent each for Business and Finance; Education, Child Development, and Family Services; and Health Science and Medical Technology.

Permits and waivers
The Commission developed the Short-Term Staff Permit (STSP) and the Provisional Internship Permit (PIP) in 2005 to address acute and anticipated staffing needs, respectively. An STSP may be requested by a district when there is an acute staffing need to fill a classroom immediately based on an unforeseen need. STSPs are restricted to service in the employing agency that requests issuance of the permit, are valid for one school year, and are not renewable. A PIP may be requested by a district when there is an anticipated staff need when a district is aware that an opening is going to occur and conducts a diligent search for a credentialed teacher but is unable to recruit one. PIPs are restricted to service within the employing agency that requests issuance of the permit and are issued for one calendar year. Prior to Oct. 1, 2013, the PIP could be renewed once; however, the commission took action to eliminate this one-time option for renewal, and regulations were approved to implement the change.

In 2021–22, STSPs increased by 37 percent from the previous year, from 1,990 to 2,736. PIPs increased by 12 percent, from 1,190 to 1,329 during the same time period.

Since July 1994, the Commission on Teacher Credentialing has had the authority to issue waivers related to educator preparation and credentialing to address the needs of employers to employ or assign candidates who are not appropriately credentialed for their assignment. Variable Term Waivers give the employer the ability to meet staffing needs when a suitable fully qualified credentialed employee cannot be found. Employing agencies must complete a diligent search for a suitable credentialed teacher or qualified intern teacher before requesting a credential waiver.

Waivers decreased by 7.6 percent in 2020–21, from 930 to 859, with 313 in multiple subject, 300 in single subject and 246 in education specialist.