Spending power

More than $100 billion per year available in the California public schools network
CSBA logo


Media Kit

California’s public education decision makers are here.
Are you?

CSBA Publications
Advertising Opportunities


The California School Boards Association (CSBA) is a collaborative group of virtually all of the state’s more than 1,000 school districts and county offices of education. CSBA brings together school governing boards and their districts and county offices of education on behalf of California’s children. Touting a reach of more than 7,500 school board members, administrators, business officials, state legislators, site administrators and facilities managers in California, our publications’ reach is unmatched. Our readership spends more than $100 billion annually to equip, maintain and operate thousands of schools for nearly 6 million schoolchildren in California.
California Schools Magazine
Our quarterly magazine provides in-depth examinations of public education issues, showcasing what works at the local level while providing state and national perspectives. Our commentaries go behind the news with seasoned, first-hand observations about current events in education and the impacts and implications for public school governance. California Schools is a dynamic forum for exploring issues of vital importance to our schools.
California School News
Our monthly newsletter delivers updates on current issues and trends affecting public education.
three CSBA publication covers
three CSBA publication covers

By advertising in CSBA publications, you are reaching a highly credible and focused target audience of over 10,300 subscribers who value CSBA as a trusted resource.

CSBA Publications
Editorial Calendar

California Schools (quarterly magazine)

Space Reservations due
Ad artwork due
Publish dates
Fall 2024
August 15, 2024
August 30, 2024
Winter 2025
November 6, 2024
November 20, 2024
Spring 2025
February 24, 2025
March 10, 2025
Summer 2025
June 2, 2025
June 16, 2025
Fall 2025
August 28, 2025
September 12, 2025

California School News (monthly* newsletter)

Space Reservations due
Ad artwork due
Publish dates
August 2024
July 5, 2024
July 17, 2024
September 2024
August 1, 2024
August 15, 2024
October 2024
September 1, 2024
September 15, 2024
November 2024
October 2, 2024
October 16, 2024
January 2025
December 1, 2024
December 15, 2024
February 2025
January 5, 2025
January 15, 2025
March 2025
February 1, 2025
February 15, 2025
April 2025
March 1, 2025
March 15, 2025
May 2025
April 2, 2025
April 16, 2025
June 2025
May 1, 2025
May 15, 2025
July 2025
June 3, 2025
June 17, 2025
August 2025
July 1, 2025
July 15, 2025
September 2025
August 1, 2025
August 15, 2025
October 2025
September 2, 2025
September 16, 2025
November 2025
October 1, 2025
October 15, 2025
* No publication in December
teacher with two young students
young female student looking at molecule diagram
students and teacher talking about class work
two young students with a beaker overflowing
2024-25 Rate Card
1x rate
2x rate
4x rate
Newsletter 1/3 page ad
Newsletter 1/16 page ad
Magazine Advertorial
$3,800 – spread
$1,900 – single
Magazine Full Page
Magazine 2/3
Magazine 1/2
Magazine 1/3
Inside Cover
Back Cover
Please defer to the benefit guide for special discount rates for affiliate status.
Frequency discounts:

Advertising must be inserted within one year of first insertion to earn the 2x or 4x frequency rate discount. Frequency rates may also be earned by running two or four advertisements in the same issue(s). Different size ads may be combined to earn frequency discounts in a contract year. Credits earned by increasing frequency during a contract year will apply to future billing for space. No cash rebate will be made.

Mechanical Specs

California Schools Magazine (max. ink density 200%)
Trim (WxH)
Total size (WxH)
Full page
Full page image
2/3 page vertical
1/2 page horizontal
1/2 page island
1/3 page horizontal
1/3 page vertical
California School News (max. ink density 200%)
Trim (WxH)
Total size (WxH)
1/16 page
1/3 page
7.875″x 3.125”
specs of different sized ad dimensions on a page
Advertorial guidelines
Headlines: No more than 80 characters.
Body copy: Between 525–600 words (1,225–1,350 for spread). Include one landscape photo and one company or product logo. CSBA will send a sample layout upon request.
File formats accepted
Press-quality PDF (with bleeds when applicable); or 300 dpi or vector files in CMYK color. Package all fonts or convert fonts to outlines.
Artwork and order submission
Send your file to us in one of two ways:

  1. If smaller than 5MB, email file to ndreyes@csba.org.
  2. For instructions on uploading larger files, email ndreyes@csba.org.

Advertorials: Please submit MS Word doc. Do not format or stylize text.
Images/Photos: May be submitted in JPG, TIFF or PSD format.
Logos: Accepted in vector format ONLY.

Insertion order
To place your order and review a copy of our terms and conditions for ad placement, please complete our advertising contract and return to ndreyes@csba.org.

For additional questions, please feel free to contact us at ndreyes@csba.org.

Premium Edition Enhancements

Our premium edition reaches our entire audience universe and is viewable anytime on any device.

Our premium edition is not a print replica and contains exclusive digital content and options for enhanced media and options to drive conversion and exposure to your brand. Plus, our digital version is part of a continuous delivery process each week as we promote features and sections to confirm maximum issue ongoing exposure including prior issue promotion access.
Per Issue Selection Options
Print Ad As Is mock

Insert the Print ad As-Is

Full page and multi-pages allocation advertisers will have digital production reuse print artwork as-is with no enhancement; link to URL included below ad unit. Ads are positioned in a similar position to the print book, C4 back page is promoted to top of edition near TOC. Only full and half page ads will be added to the premium digital edition.

Enhance the Digital Ad

Enhanced ad units range from basic responsive upgrades to insertion of multimedia or other digital creative approved by publisher. The addition of a call to action button on the digital version provides double the conversion and delivery to your own landing page or to additional add-on content marketing tools (see Add-Ons.)
Responsive Ad Upgrade mock
Responsive Ad Upgrade
This is your traditional print ad converted to digital format using a background image or color that spans the full width of the screen, your logo and marketing copy and a custom call-to-action button.

Custom Option 1
Basic Animation/Effect

Enhanced Digital Advertising with Animated HTML Element
Includes all elements in the converted digital ad plus single animation or intro movement effect for the ad element
Custom Option 2
Add/Rotate Images
Enhanced Digital Advertising with Added Images
Includes all elements in converted digital ad plus up to five additional images that will automatically scroll on a loop. Images may contain separate marketing copy.
Custom Option 3
Include video and audio
All elements in converted digital ad plus embedded video or audio (10-25 seconds in length).
Custom Ad Creative Development or Agency Produced Embed Unit
A custom designed ad creative produced based on a quoted creative scope or an embed not served through any ad server tool. All premium edition ads must remain visible and not wrapped with code that might trigger ad blocking.
Sponsored Landing Page mock
Premium Digital Add-Ons
Digital Edition Custom Landing Page Sponsor
Customize a landing page to the publication you may share from your website, emails, or social media. This landing page provides you an additional ad sponsor visibility position adjacent to the magazine cover rewarding you for providing access to our premium edition.

The digital edition will have a custom landing page separate from the publishers issue index featuring your company as the edition host linking to open the main issue. You can embed audio or video (enhanced units) on this landing page. Plus add a welcome message, “Enjoy this direct digital access by COMPANY NAME & don’t miss our ad inside this issue promoting NAME OF HIGHLIGHT”

Enhancement Examples

blue logo text with yellow and blue book
Be ready for the tough decisions and tougher questions
Enroll in CSBA’s Masters in Governance program
Let’s face it, being a board member isn’t easy. Sometimes you have to make tough decisions for your district and answer tough questions from your community members. CSBA’s Masters in Governance program is designed to help you gain the skills and knowledge you need to guide you through the job. Through an in-depth five-course program, we’ll tackle:

  • Effective Governance | Setting Direction
  • Policy & Judicial Review | Student Learning & Achievement
  • School Finance
  • Human Resources | Collective Bargaining
  • Community Relations & Advocacy | Governance Integration

At the end of the program, you’ll walk away feeling confident and better prepared to address any issues you may face as a board member.

Ready to learn?
For program details or to register, visit us online.

Enhancement Examples

CSBA’s Education Legal Alliance
Fighting for public schools
since 1992.
CSBA’s Education Legal Alliance initiates and supports legal efforts in areas of statewide significance to all California schools. Working with school attorneys throughout the state, the ELA is a powerful force in the courts, and has proven highly effective in both saving and gaining schools millions of dollars and protecting the governance role of local governing boards.
Get involved.
white logo text next to white book

Enhancement Examples

finger touching search bar
With CSBA’s Executive Search Services, in partnership with McPherson & Jacobson L.L.C., our members now have an affordable and streamlined process for finding the right superintendent candidate.
This program features a five-phase protocol allowing the board to concentrate on the most important segments: the interview and selection of the successful candidate.

Our team of California-based consultants will work closely with you and other stakeholders to develop a customized process for identifying and hiring the most qualified candidate for your district.

Take the first step in making the superintendent search process easier. Request a quote today at csba.org/ess or call 800.266.3382.
white text with csba book logo

Reserve Space Now

Contact information

Nicole Delos Reyes
Program Manager, Business Development
ndreyes@csba.org | (916) 669-3275
Contact information
document icon

Download the contract