Council membership is appointed by the CSBA President who serves as the council chair. Members reflect the state’s diversity with special attention given to different types of LEAs representing geographic regions across the state. Members are appointed to serve a two-year term and meet at least three times a year.
At the council’s first meeting of 2024, topics included electric school buses, Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) updates and reporting requirements, and a legislative and budget update from guest speaker Edgar Cabral of the Legislative Analyst’s Office.
“In order to ensure we have a full picture of the governance team perspective, CSBA convenes its Superintendents Advisory Council comprising leaders of school districts and county offices of education of varying sizes and geographical areas around the state,” CSBA CEO & Executive Director Vernon M. Billy said. “Hearing directly from superintendents how statewide issues and policies are effecting their local educational agencies allows CSBA to more effectively advocate for the common issues facing LEAs.”
Albert Gonzalez, Santa Clara USD & CSBA President