The framework suggests that all students remain in the same math courses through sophomore year of high school instead of separating students into advanced or traditional tracks in middle school. Many state education groups such as the California Teachers Association, Education Trust-West and the California STEM network have supported these changes. Others are concerned by the changes, and they worry that these guidelines will stifle the opportunities of students who could take accelerated classes earlier. However, adopting the framework would not rule out more advanced course progression for students in high school.
Additionally, the math framework recommends that districts create multiple high school mathematics pathways, some of which do not conclude with calculus. The framework does not recommend eliminating calculus as the final course in a mathematics curriculum. Instead, it encourages districts to consider other options including statistics, pre-calculus and data science.
It is crucial to remember that, like all of California’s curriculum frameworks, it is not mandatory to implement the Mathematics Framework exactly as written. Frameworks are intended to be guiding documents and boards of education have the discretion to adapt them to their local contexts.
In January 2021, the State Board appointed the Math Curriculum Framework and Evaluation Criteria Committee (CFCC). The CFCC has 20 mathematics instruction professionals, including K-12 teachers, coaches, instructional support specialists, academics and county coordinators. The committee met eight times in 2020 to provide feedback and provide edits and recommendations on the draft, using the focus groups’ feedback and expertise to develop the initial revised draft framework for review by the IQC.
While the CFCC provided the bulk of the content revisions for the framework, the public also has a say in the revision process through two 60-day public review periods. The first review period took place from January through February 2021, and private citizens, advocacy organizations and others offered suggested revisions and comments to the CFCC.
The final stages of the framework are underway and a second 60-day public review of the framework is scheduled to begin in this month. The State Board is slated to act on the final version of the framework at its July meeting.
To stay up to date, sign up for CDE’s Math listserv at join-math-framework-revision@mlist.cde.ca.gov by using the subject line “Subscribe.”