The unclear language in the bill was clarified in a June 26 letter submitted by Assemblymember Phil Ting (D-San Francisco), chair of the Assembly Committee on Budget, to the Senate Journal that said, “This section is not intended to require an LEA to seek out or receive approval from a state or local public health officer prior to adopting a distance learning model. This section is also not intended to prevent an LEA from adopting a distance learning, hybrid, or mixed-delivery instructional model to ensure safety.”
While this budget does provide more relief when compared to the May Revision, the many caveats contained in AB 77 cloud the picture for LEAs and leave many schools in a position where they have to consider laying off staff that fall outside the restricted job classifications, and making cuts in other areas such as the arts, sports and other extracurricular programs.
- Extends the 2019–20 average daily attendance hold harmless to the 2020–21 school year and suspends the Local Control and Accountability Plan, contingent on student participation reporting and local Continuity of Learning and Attendance plan elements due by Sept. 30, 2020.
- Maintains instructional day requirements but allows flexibility for instructional minutes in 2020–21 school year; LEAs may meet the 180 days through a combination of in-person and distance learning.
- If schools or LEAs are using distance learning, a host of additional requirements to track attendance would be required, including “a weekly engagement record” for every student.
- Adopts short-term fiscal flexibilities: Increases LEA inter-fund borrowing allowances; Allow sale of surplus LEA property for one-time spending purposes; excludes on-behalf pension payments from the Routine Restricted Maintenance Account requirements; extends audit timelines; and clarifies LEA uses of Senate Bill 117 COVID relief funds.
- $1.85 billion from the June apportionment deferred until July of 2020
In the 2020-21 fiscal year:
- $1.54 billion from the February 2021 apportionment deferred until November 2021
- $2.375 billion from the March 2021 apportionment deferred until October 2021
- $2.375 billion from the April 2021 apportionment deferred until September 2021
- $2.375 billion from the May 2021 apportionment deferred until August 2021
To help manage cash flow issues, CSBA’s Cash Reserve Program provides LEAs with a reliable and economical short-term cash flow funding option. There is no cost to apply for a Tax and Revenue Anticipation Note (TRAN) and no obligation to issue. For more information, visit www.csba.org/cashreserveprogram.
- Allocates the following amounts in CARES Act and General Fund for COVID-19 impacts:
- $1.5 billion to all LEAs for learning loss, based on special education enrollment
- $980 million to all LEAs, based on the total LCFF formula
- $45 million for existing community school models
- $112.2 million for LEA school meal reimbursements during summer and COVID closures