Call for nominations for 2022 Delegate Assembly elections
Delegate Assembly nominations and biographical sketches due Friday, Jan. 7, 2022
11/1/21 marked on calendar
Call for nominations for CSBA’s Delegate Assembly will open Nov. 1, 2021. CSBA member boards may nominate board members to run for election up until Jan. 7, 2022. Nominees are required to submit a completed, signed and dated biographical sketch form by Jan. 7; an optional one-page, one-sided resume may be submitted as well. The election period for boards to vote runs from Feb. 1 to March 15. Elected delegates serve two-year terms beginning April 1, 2022 through March 31, 2024.

CSBA’s Delegate Assembly is a vital link in the association’s governance structure. Working with local districts, county offices of education, the Board of Directors and CSBA officers, Delegates ensure that the association reflects the interests of school districts and county offices of education. In addition, they elect CSBA’s officers and Board of Directors, adopt the Policy Platform and the Bylaws, serve on committees, and provide advocacy on behalf of public education and boards of education.

Visit to learn more about CSBA’s Delegate Assembly and to download relevant documents, including those for the nomination and election process.