igned into law by Gov. Gavin Newsom in 2019, Senate Bill 328 (Portantino, D-Pasadena) requires that, by the 2022–23 school year, districts implement bell schedules that begin no earlier than 8:30 a.m. for high schools and 8 a.m. for middle schools.
Moving to a new bell schedule is a district decision, under board direction, that is designed to put student needs first, fulfill a desire to switch to a block schedule and fulfill the mandate in Senate Bill 328. In addition, one of the culture objectives in Beverly Hill Unified School District’s strategic plan is to “implement a new bell schedule that builds in daily dedicated time to address the needs of the developing district culture” and “build in time to address ethics, empathy, and emotional health through collaboration and communication.”
The Beverly Hills High School administrative team working on a plan for the new bell schedule attended stakeholder meetings such as the Parent Teacher Student Association, Associated Student Body, School Site Council and Secondary Education Council for multiple years to gain insight about student, family and community needs. They noted five major concerns consistently referenced by students and parents that could be addressed by a new bell schedule (see table below).
Most teachers will have period 7 “office hours” at the end of each day, excluding Friday afternoons. All students, counselors, teachers and support groups are encouraged to use this time for academic and social-emotional assistance. For athletes with competing schedules, subject-area office hours will be created to allow additional access.
This bell schedule is intentional about unifying students and staff, providing twice as much collaboration as the pre-COVID schedule, which will help teachers continue to find innovative ways to instruct in all classrooms. The new schedule allows periods 5 and 6 to begin earlier in the day, therefore allowing students with athletic competitions to attend the majority of every class, even when there are away-games.
By implementing the new block bell schedule in 2021–22, there will be multiple opportunities for staff and departments to meet and collaborate on data to drive the district strategic plan, Beverly Hills High School goals, and create and implement instructional practices. This leveraged time will support students’ social-emotional health and address education gaps with targeted interventions through instructional rigor.
This bell schedule not only addresses the concerns mentioned above, it takes a decisive step toward an organizational change that will improve the overall student experience: academically, with higher-quality instructional delivery while simultaneously promoting social-emotional wellness and overall health.