CEO’s note
n March 4, 1861, President Abraham Lincoln gave his first inaugural address to the people of the United States. Several months earlier, Lincoln had prevailed in a four-way contest with a substantial electoral college victory, but also one in which he lost every southern state and captured less than 40 percent of the popular vote. Five weeks after Lincoln’s election, South Carolina would secede from the union, soon to be followed by six additional states.
These words resonate with me as we approach the final days of 2023, when the better angels of our nature seem elusive at times. When historians study the immediate post-COVID era of public education, I expect the theme that emerges will not solely concern academic achievement or student support or school funding or good governance. When historians write about this period of public schools, I believe they will include reflections on the increased partisanship, and the leveraging of public schools for various political agendas.

It’s important to remember that, at their heart, public schools are united by a common purpose: the education and development of children.

This approach doesn’t endear us to everyone in Sacramento. It’s a place where people want you to choose a side. But that doesn’t concern us, because for us, it’s not a game. Our allegiance is to public schools at large, not to a political party or the prevailing trend. We focus on providing the information, guidance, training and services schools need to support students and on securing the funding and legislation trustees need to succeed in a governance role. Your position as a school board member is a sacred trust and whatever the difficulties of any moment in time, they will not deter us from supporting you as stewards of your local schools. Our mission is too great to risk ruin, so while there will always be disagreements about our schools, we cannot tolerate division that undermines our mission. We must remember the higher calling we have to keep our obligation to public schools at the forefront and appeal to the better angels of our nature.