Can you tell us a little about your background, including your own K-12 education and professional experience?
I knew I wanted to expand my opportunities and be more of an advocate for students, and to do so in a larger arena. I applied for positions in the district that specifically focused on advocacy efforts and gained five more years of experience working with schools that were underperforming, helping them to raise their test scores. I was also a professional development specialist, where I would help teachers develop new skills in math and English and teaching English learners.
I decided to pursue a doctorate because people were asking me questions where anecdotal examples no longer sufficed. And I found myself in that place more often than I felt comfortable with. I wanted to support my responses with a knowledge base that included an intimate understanding of research. After I finished my doctorate, I was hired by the very department at Sac State from which I received my credential.
Why did you become active in CSBA and why would you encourage board members to get more involved with the organization?
During the last year of my first term, I ran for CSBA’s Director-at-Large (DAL), Hispanic. I was elected and that experience on the Board of Directors opened up other doors for me. I had an opportunity to reach out to board members across the state and talk about the issues that affect all students, but specifically Latino students, and teachers who served this population.
I learned how to advocate for students during a time when there was opposition to bilingual education in California and the United States. I deeply appreciate programs that foster the love of learning languages, ensuring that students are not only bilingual, but biliterate upon graduation from high school.
What I learned is that there are so many students and families that do not understand educational systems. They’re intimidated by educational systems. And they are the very people who need the strongest advocates because of this lack of information or lack of experience in dealing with schools. It is important to note that the lack of experience with school systems is not limited to Spanish-speaking parents. I also understood from my grandparents’ experiences, from friends’ experiences, from that of my father-in-law, from immigrant communities where their primary language was a language other than Spanish — the challenges of working with school systems when you don’t speak English.
My experiences served me well as a professor and as chair of the Bilingual Multicultural Education Department credential program at Sac State. The program’s focus is to prepare teacher candidates to teach in familiar and less familiar diverse student settings. For example, following my second year of teaching second grade, I volunteered to teach summer school in a predominately Southeast Asian community. I relied on my understanding of second language acquisition theory to prepare lesson plans and help student develop their English language oral and written skills and was dependent on more experienced teachers to help me navigate cultural norms.
The above experiences shape my perspective as a trustee, for example, when I observe classroom instruction, especially those where English learners are present, I consider proposed district curriculum and policies and engage in conversations about recruiting and diversifying the teacher workforce in our district. I am also sensitive to the idea that parents be provided informational materials in their primary language and that there are procedures in place that help all parents understand the intricacies of school systems.
I would encourage trustees to take advantage of CSBA’s Equity Network training, which includes reflection on how one’s own biases and prejudices influence their decisions, how to identify longstanding structural educational inequities and an exploration of topics on implicit bias, stereotyping and structural racism. The training also aims to help trustees to find ways to better serve all students and how to incorporate this understanding through governance.
It’s unfortunate that the sentiment I often hear in discussions around equity is that, if we view our work through an equity lens, then we are favoring only certain groups of students. This is why it’s critical to define equity so that misperceptions don’t divide communities, don’t divide teachers at school sites or schools within a district.
Our district, like other districts, looked to the county public health department for guidance on reopening schools. One challenge was assuring parents and community members that all decisions related to reopening were based on such guidance. In other words, we weren’t making up the rules. For some this didn’t relieve their concerns. Consequently, regular communication outlining every step of the process for reopening schools was sent to parents and community members.
Reopening schools also brought about the issue of learning loss. Prior to opening schools, there was summer school for high school students, primarily credit recovery. For the younger kids, we tried to focus on enrichment activities and opportunities to learn things that they might have missed. Summer school was a great way to extend the shortened on-campus academic year and an opportunity to prepare them for what it would be like in the fall.
For new board members, I strongly suggest attending the Masters in Governance workshops — those will give you an overview of the job and all the information that you may not immediately need, but you will need over time. I recommend that the whole governance team, with the superintendent, take that training. That way, you all have a common language to use when discussing issues in your district.
I am excited that Natomas USD sees itself as a community school district and we recognize that families have so many needs outside the classroom. We acknowledge that if we don’t address those needs, then the students we serve will not be able to focus on their schoolwork. By having a health clinic and food locker — the kind of very basics critical to families — we hope parents and guardians are better able to focus on their children.
As a long-time supporter of bilingual education, a recent highlight was board approval last April of a name for our new dual immersion school. The school will be named after my family, for which I am honored. I am so excited that the students in this community will have the option to attend a dual immersion school.